Review from previous lecture - function calling another function

    addi $sp, $sp, -8
    sw $s0, 0($sp)
    sw $ra, 4($sp)

    jal Bar

    lw $ra, 4($sp)
    lw $s0, 0($sp)
    addi $sp, $sp, 8
    jr $ra

Building programs from program code

To build a program is to turn the source code into a final result (like an executable file)

Compilation steps:

Project: collection of files that will be turned into a final result (e.g., .cpp, .h files)

To build a multi-file program, we can use a command in the terminal that follows some syntax like this:

# list all cpp files
g++ -std=c++17 main.cpp Greeter.cpp

The precompiler creates "pure c++" code from source code:

Example with other precompiler directives: if the preprocessor hasn't been made aware of "GREET", define it here:

#pragma once
#ifndef GREET
#define GREET
void Greet();

Diagram: build process

Build process

The compiler turns each cpp file into a separate object file.

Object files:

For example, main.cpp will be turned into main.obj and b.cpp will be turned into b.obj.


Linker diagram

Symbol table:

Object files contain program code in the CPU instruction format.

Note: want to keep object files around, so that we don't need to recompile the entire program every time. Otherwise, the whole program always needs to be recompiled, even if we only made a minor change.

However, object files are big - usually, we would mark .obj files in the gitignore so we don't end up pushing huge files to version control.


The final result of building a program could also be a library.

Two types of libraries:
